Course Description
We’re not promising to bring a full-on beachside experience to Manchester this summer, but we are aiming to bring some rays of vinous sunshine into the City Centre with our ‘A Taste of Summer’ tastings.
We’ll be focussing on wines which are delicious at any time of the year, but which come into their own when the evenings are longer and (hopefully) warmer, with three sessions dedicated to red, pink and white wines.
Session 1 is called A Lighter Shade of Red. It’s been fascinating to see how red wine styles have evolved over recent years, and how many people have moved from the high-octane, blood-and-thunder reds of 20 years ago to something lighter and more subtle, but still not short on flavour. And in warmer weather, these gentler wines don’t object at all to a short spell in the fridge. So we’ll sample seven wines that are chilled about being (lightly) chilled. There’ll be Beaujolais and Loire Cabernet Franc from France, plus other wines from Italy, South America and South Africa. And some cheese.
In Session 2, In The Pink, it’s the turn of rosé, and we’ll be posing several questions. Is paler better than darker? Is still better than fizzy? In France, does the Rhône do it better than not-so-far-away Provence? And does the southern hemisphere have anything that can match up to the wines of Europe? Again there’ll be seven wines. Plus cheese…
And we’ll finish with Session 3, Seaside Whites. Many of the wines that we love drinking over summer come from vineyards in sight of the sea. Is it the briny breeze that makes them so fresh and appealing – and so seafood-friendly? Whether it is or not, there should be something here to tickle your taste-buds in a selection that takes in wines from France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Australia. Once again, seven wines, and once again, some cheese.
You can book individual sessions for £35 each, or sign up for all three for just £100. Fantastic value with so many great wines to taste.