Event Description
There is currently lot of fuss in the wine world about old vines and rightly so! Deep rooted through age, they transmit a level of terroir into their wines that is hard to replicate in a younger vine. They are beautifully gnarled and twisted through the passage of time and yet deliver a yield that is fruitful & delicious.
What's most fascinating is their ability to adapt according to whatever "climate chaos" is thrown at them.
We've scoured the corners of the wine world for the very best examples: pre-phylloxera Garnacha wines from Toro (Spain), rich Cabernet Sauvignons from Australia & South Africa, unexpected wonders from Bulgaria, Greece & Romania, and wonderful aromatic whites from Sicily, Greece and Spain.
We hope you'll join us for some incredible wines, wonderful stories about the people behind the label and some serious fascinating discoveries about the capabilities of old vines!
Your tasting will include: a tasting samples of six carefully selected wines, full wine notes & handouts, a 2 hour interactive presentation, with Q&A, led by our wine tutor.