Event Description
Starting at 3pm Cork & Lobster will be serving their famous Afternoon Tea (sample menu to follow) and we've matched 6 delicious wines (incuding a glass of fizz!) to make this a most enjoyable afternoon of eating and drinking.
Any dietary requirements must be requested in advance on receipt of your confirmation email.
Planned Menu
Truffle & Chicken Finger Sandwich
Cream Cheese and Red Pepperade Finger Sandwich
Pork, Apricot and Black Pudding Sausage Roll
Halibut and smoked salmon pressing on rye bread
Shellfish cocktail croustade
Mini Apple Dessert
Lemon and orange polenta cake mascarpone cream
Chocolate, cherry and tonka bean
Fruit Scone, Jam & Clotted Cream
Don't forget to email us with dietary requirements on receipt of confirmation email!