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by Mark Anstead, Cambridge wine school owner.

13 years ago I was standing in the wine aisle to buy some wine, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Rows of bottles were stretched before me, and each label seemed more cryptic than the last.

Usually, I chose wine based on the discount or prettiness of the label (and then hoped it would be vaguely drinkable). Or I’d pick the same wine as last time (at least that was safe).

If a friend at a dinner party knew about wine, I’d watch as they swirled their glass, inhaled and described aromas with words like "blackcurrant," "cedar," and "earth." I’d nod as if I understood, but truthfully I felt excluded.

Ordering wine in restaurants was equally terrifying. Understanding a sommelier? Impossible. I might ask for a recommendation to pair with our food, but then worry I was being talked into a more expensive wine than I wanted.

Then one day I took a wine course much like the 6-part 'World of Wine' I teach in Cambridge. And that course changed everything.

Week by week, my confidence grew. I learned to swirl and sniff with purpose, identify aromas and flavours and understand each wine’s character.

I discovered fascinating stories behind the wine regions and how local geography influences flavour.

But the real magic happened outside the sessions. Suddenly, wine lists weren't as intimidating to me - they were invitations to explore. And yes, I could chat with a sommelier, express my preferences and understand their recommendations.

I learned about wines I never knew existed, from crisp Albariño to robust Aglianico.

My appreciation for wine deepened and with it my enjoyment of meals, travel, and foreign culture.

And now, I want to offer you the same transformative experience.

The 'World of Wine' course, which I run in Cambridge, isn't just facts and figures - it's about special places, culture, and deepening your appreciation for one of life's great pleasures.

Are you ready to join in the journey?

The next ‘World of Wine’ course begins September 24th and runs for 6 Tues evenings 7-9pm. I'd be honoured to be your guide.

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