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Christmas Port and Cheese

Christmas Port and Cheese

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2 Hours

Event Description

A tasting devoted to this Christmas Classic and the chance to taste it alongside some delicious cheeses too!

We have all heard about Port and Stilton, but what about Port and other cheeses? From crumbly, nutty cheddar to soft and salty blues we will match them to different styles of Port. Many people enjoy a tipple of Port (usually a Ruby or LBV) style in the winter, but we want you to taste the full range of flavours that this quintessentially British drink has to offer.

So come and join us to learn about how, and where, this glorious drink is produced and taste a wide range of beautiful Port wines, that will include some of the following-

  • White Port
    10 year old Tawny 
    Reserve Ruby Port 
    Late Bottled Ruby Vintage 

There will be six wines to taste, matched with cheese, giving you an opportunity to experience some of the best food and wine pairings of them all and don't forget to wear your Christmas Jumper!

How to get there

The Scrandit
14 Christmas Steps

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